In order to be exempt from paying sales tax on your massage, you must bring in a prescription for massage therapy from a healthcare professional who has the authority to write prescriptions. Please make sure they include the appropriate dates/time frame and we will keep it on file for future visits. Feel free to contact me for more information!
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique which targets deep layers of muscle and surrounding tissues. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface. Heated massage table, hot towels, and aromatherapy may be used with each session, unless otherwise requested.
A gentle massage to ease muscle tension, provide health benefits and help you slip into a calm state of relaxation. Heated massage table, hot towels, and aromatherapy may be used with each session, unless otherwise requested.
Heated bamboo tools may be added to your massage for ultimate relief and access to deeper tissue.
Text, email or call and set up a time to pick up in person... or simply click the link below to order online!